The average person has anywhere from 90 to 150 lashes each eye.
We lose 2-5 lashes in both on average every day.
Sooo!!! lets talk 1 eye
I apply 120 lashes to 1 eye
You shed 14 lashes a week on 1 eye
Glue gives away on about 7 lashes in a week on 1 eye
Glue slowly gives way because of oils, makeup, cleansing & environmental factors.
Interesting Fact: Eyelids are one of the oiliest parts of our body.
On an average you will have shed & lost at least:
2 weeks - 42 lashes (under a 1/2 set)
3 weeks - 63 lashes (a 1/2 set)
4 weeks - 84 lashes (a 3/4 set)
5 weeks - 105 lashes
Wait there's more..... You need also to take into account the hairs that have been in their early growth phase (early anagen), these little suckers sprout! This means I have to remove and replace the extension from these hairs. Why? because they're too long and start to twist and move around.